I must apologize for being so remiss in posting blogs this year. It's not that I don't have anything to say, in fact I have a whole new book of things to say. And that is my excuse. Yes, Covid-19 certainly put a wrench in things this year, as it did in everyone's life, but my real excuse is that every single moment I have free is being devoted to my new book on osteoporosis. I am desperately trying to get it out by mid-2022.
This new book promises to bring new cutting edge information on osteoporosis. It is not that my first book, The Whole-Body Approach to Osteoporosis, is out of date, it is just that this new book will keep going where that book left off. There is so much more to tell you about, and I am totally excited to share it all with you. Chapters of the new book include:
- Bone Biology
- The Web (an explanation of how and why all your organs affect bone health)
- The Pathophysiology of Bone Loss
- Chronic Systemic Inflammation and Osteoimmunology
- The Causes of Bone Loss
- Genetics, Epigenetics, Your Glycome, and How to Limit Senoinflammation
- The Gastrointestinal Tract and Osteomicrobiology
- Technology for Evaluating Bone Loss
- The Use of Therapeutic Targets - Laboratory Testing
- Top Ten Steps to Better Bones
- Nutrients for Bone Health
- Exercise For Better Bones
- Therapeutic Modalities for Osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis Specific Medications and How to Use Them if Necessary
- Care of the Transgender Osteoporosis Patient
- The Future of Osteoporosis Treatment
I also want to take this time to to tell you about a really cool new meal/cooking program. My colleague, Irma Jennings, INHC has created the 7 Day Meal Plan - Easy Cooking for Bone Health which includes 27 recipes for all types of eaters; animal, vegetarian, and vegan.
Irma sent me this program to look at last week and it is really impressive. I whole-heartedly recommend owning this great eating plan.
My bone supportive supplements work wonders for your bones, however, they are designed to supplement, not take the place of, your bone-loving foods.
If you want to make bone-healthy eating with delicious bone-loving ingredients and be able to easily track your nutrient intake to ensure stronger bones, Easy Cooking for Bone Health does both. This delightful e-guide is full of great tasting, nutritious, simple and scientifically sophisticated recipes, and provides “Nutrition Facts Per Serving” (yes, no more guessing!).
Irma's program includes: shopping lists, printable recipes, anti-nutrients information, product reviews, soaking and storage tips and references. Cook-Once-Eat-Twice is a food budget saver. There is also a clickable table of contents for ease in navigating this e-guide.
Plus 5 cooking videos!
This great investment in your bones is only $47.00
Bone Appetit.
click the link below to learn more and to purchase
Note on Irma's Bones Tribe Membership:
In addition to Irma's 7 Day Meal plan she offers her Bones Tribe Membership.
I know from personal experience how frustrating, scary, and lonely it can be when you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I get it...I've been there. Irma's Bones Tribe is where a person with osteoporosis does not have to feel alone in their diagnosis. Irma offers community support from a place of personal experience. This is where like-minded women come together in her monthly Bones Tribe Membership and attend two monthly coaching calls.
Plus - LECTURES: You'll find cutting edge lectures from: - Functional doctor Kristann Heinz, RD, MD on protein, acid/alkaline and the impact of spices - Kathy Sumner PT, DPT, WCS, pelvic floor expert on "Kegels, Kyphosis and Osteoporosis. Do you
Pee when you Giggle?" - Aly Cohen, MD Integrative Rheumatologist, who co-authored Non-Toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World and the impact toxins play on our bone health - Herbs for Your Bones with Master Herbalist Chris Dalziel. - And I'm pleased that my supplement and collagen lectures, which helps to unmask the confusion, are also included in the Bones Tribe Membership.
Plus - CHARTS:
Tracking charts: Great for keeping track of your DXA/ TBS, bloodwork, bone markers
Irma also offers her comprehensive food chart that lists calcium-rich foods: leafy greens, cruciferous, root vegetables, other vegetables, squash, nightshades, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, grains, dairy, non-dairy milks, protein (meats, egg, fish) spices, fermented foods, seaweed, and mineral waters. This chart is great for making bone-healthy recipes easy to create.
Bones Tribe Membership is $37 a month (you may cancel at any time).
You don't have to go this alone, like I did! It took years for me to gain this knowledge.
Click the link below to learn from other members and purchase.
If you have any questions you can email Irma at: irma@food4heatlhybones.com
Have a happy and safe New Year. I SO SO hope 2022 is way better than (dismal) 2021! DrM
Hi Dr McCormick! I'm so happy to read this blog and the importance of bone healthy eating. Irma Jennings is truly an inspiration to those of us who are working through all the data and dogma around osteopenia/osteoporosis. I've loved her recipes, her wisdom and support. She takes away the fear and guides with positive and sure steps toward a foundation of vibrant health, and I'm so glad she introduced me to you! Congratulations on your new book, can't wait to read it.
Dr McCormick, I am so looking forward to getting your new book when it comes out! And I'm also very pleased to see the collaboration between you and Irma Jennings. I met Irma Jennings in 2017 after recovering from ankle surgery and founding out I had severe osteoporsis. I didn't know what to do; my orthopedic surgeon told me to take calcium and start lifting weights...I was confused and scared. I found Irma's Food for Healthy Bones on the internet and contacted her. Since then Irma has helped me tremendously in finding a wholistic approach to caring for my bones and myself. I joined Irma's Bones Tribe and from there learned about feeding my bones; nourishing my soul, mind …
Irma Jennings is truly the "Bone Lady". She is always thinking of better ways to help her Bones Tribe members and others who need help navigating the world of bone health. I was fortunate enough to work with Irma on the creation her 7 Day Meal Plan. Just know that every recipe was created with care and love.
I have known Irma for many decades, even before her journey down the road of Food for Healthy Bones. In all aspects I know Irma to have the highest level of integrity and I trust her to be an excellent, heartfelt guide on so many levels!
In 2019 I had my first DEXA which revealed osteopenia. Although I’m a petite, Caucasian, 62 year old post menopausal female, I was still surprised as I thought my diet and exercise regimen would prevent this diagnosis. I found Irma Jennings’ website while I was researching osteopenia.
Based on her suggestions I started drinking Gerolsteiner mineral water daily in addition to adding light weight lifting to my exercise regimen. I also started taking Dr. McCormick’s collagen, OsteoStim and OsteoSustain daily. I had my second DEXA on 12/18. It revealed a 4.7% interval increase in BMD of the lumbar spine and a 2.5% interval increase in the BMD of the Left hip.
I certainly was pleased to see movement in the…